About Us
Welcome to Copper Brand in Brownwood Texas.
We opened our doors on May 4th 2024 and launched this website September 2024. We are new to this little world of a family owned boutiques but not to family owned businesses. For generations our family has raised cattle and grown wheat, corn and peanuts. We dab in a little custom farming & harvesting so you will notice the chaos in our life pick up in the fall and spring every year. We started this business to dip in the fun side of life. Our passion for dressing fun and sassy and the love for dressing others is what drives us in the store. We hope to bring a mix of bigger cities and smaller towns together to create the perfect selection of clothing and accessories for anyone from teen on up. We feel there is no age restriction on clothes as Micaela is in her 20’s and Mikka in her upper 40’s. As long as you feel good in your choice of clothes that’s all that matters. We do and will carry a variety of clothes from lower end basics to higher end attire.
We appreciate you shopping with us and supporting us, with every purchase and compliment we feel the love. M&M